Core Module Information
Module title: Construction Management 2

SCQF level: 09:
SCQF credit value: 20.00
ECTS credit value: 10

Module code: BSV09100
Module leader: Andrew Brown
School School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
Subject area group: Built Environment


Description of module content:

Corporate Planning: Formulation of company policy, models for strategic planning, evaluation and implementation of strategy, management of change, effects of economic activity.
Enterprise Development: Professional Self Development: Assertiveness, production market strategy, sources of information.
Building production, site management, planning, control and organisation, work study techniques.
Resource Management: Manpower planning, plant management, sub-contractor selection, co-ordination, control and payment, material purchasing systems.
Production Management: Analysis of construction methods and strategies, physical production systems, on and off site factory production.
Project planning and programming techniques, short, medium and long term planning, planning progressing and controlling, method statement, programming techniques. Advanced construction planning and programming techniques. Use of commercial planning and control software in construction situations.

Learning Outcomes for module:

On completion of this module you will be able to:
LO1: compare and contrast the various construction methods and strategies;
LO2: create plans and programmes for the control and co-ordination of construction projects;
LO3: evaluate resource management strategies and concepts in a construction industry context;
LO4: demonstrate the use of planning and programming techniques for construction and their value in the
decision making and problem-solving processes;
LO5: discuss and evaluate the corporate planning and marketing strategies utilised in construction.

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment
2024/5, Trimester 1, FACE-TO-FACE, Edinburgh Napier University
Occurrence: 001
Primary mode of delivery: FACE-TO-FACE
Location of delivery: MERCHISTON
Partner: Edinburgh Napier University
Member of staff responsible for delivering module: Lina Khaddour
Module Organiser:

Student Activity (Notional Equivalent Study Hours (NESH))
Mode of activityLearning & Teaching ActivityNESH (Study Hours)NESH Description
Face To Face Lecture 30 Contact Module Leader
Face To Face Tutorial 10 Contact Module Leader
Independent Learning Guided independent study 158 Contact Module Leader
Face To Face Centrally Time Tabled Examination 2 Contact Module Leader
Total Study Hours200
Expected Total Study Hours for Module200

Type of Assessment Weighting % LOs covered Week due Length in Hours/Words Description
Project - Practical 40 2,4 8 HOURS= 0, WORDS= 0 Contact Module Leader
Centrally Time Tabled Examination 60 1,3,4,5 14/15 HOURS= 2, WORDS= 0 Contact Module Leader
Component 1 subtotal: 40
Component 2 subtotal: 60
Module subtotal: 100

Indicative References and Reading List - URL:
BSV09100 Construction Management 2