Core Module Information
Module title: Procurement Strategy

SCQF level: 11:
SCQF credit value: 20.00
ECTS credit value: 10

Module code: BSV11704
Module leader: Mina Jowkar
School School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
Subject area group: Built Environment


Description of module content:

The module addresses three areas of procurement, strategic issues, selection and decision making, operational and practical considerations, and performance measurement. The content covers aspects of the decision to build and procurement method selection on objective basis, use of professional advisors, procurement management, relative procurement efficiency, procedural stages and their discrete objectives, priorities and risks, project maintenance profiling. EU procurement directives and procurement abroad –commonality and divergence. Client value for money philosophy and techniques. Decision making process. Key performance indicators applied to procurement methods.

Learning Outcomes for module:

Upon completion of this module you will be able to:

LO1: From a given business proposal, to identify and appraise a client’s objectives and function requirements and determine specific procurement criteria to be met.
LO2: Prepare procurement solutions to match project requirements
LO3: Objectively evaluate the relative effectiveness of modern procurement methods
LO4: Develop an efficient procurement management structure and gateway procedures for example individual project
LO5: Prepare the framework for a diagnostic / technical audit for a post project review of procurement performance.

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment
2024/5, Trimester 1, ONLINE, Edinburgh Napier University
Occurrence: 001
Primary mode of delivery: ONLINE
Location of delivery: WORLDWIDE
Partner: Edinburgh Napier University
Member of staff responsible for delivering module: Mina Jowkar
Module Organiser:

Student Activity (Notional Equivalent Study Hours (NESH))
Mode of activityLearning & Teaching ActivityNESH (Study Hours)NESH Description
Independent Learning Guided independent study 160 Contact Module Leader
Online Guided independent study 30 Contact Module Leader
Online Guided independent study 5 Contact Module Leader
Online Groupwork (Scheduled) 5 Contact Module Leader
Total Study Hours200
Expected Total Study Hours for Module200

Type of Assessment Weighting % LOs covered Week due Length in Hours/Words Description
Report 50 1,2,3,4,5 8 HOURS= 0, WORDS= 3000 Contact Module Leader
Report 50 1,2,3,4,5 13 HOURS= 0, WORDS= 3000 Contact Module Leader
Component 1 subtotal: 50
Component 2 subtotal: 50
Module subtotal: 100

Indicative References and Reading List - URL:
Contact your module leader