Unit 1 Introduction to Transport Engineering – history of transport, transport professions.Unit 2 Transport Planning – policy, modelling, appraisal.Unit 3 Traffic – characteristics, surveys, management.Unit 4 Intersection Design and Capacity -- priority junction design and capacity (including PICADY), roundabout design and capacity (including ARCADY), traffic signal design and grade separated junctions.Unit 5 Highway Geometric Design using DMRB – route location, cross-sections, capacity, sight distance, horizontal alignment, vertical alignment.Unit 6 Pavement Design using DMRB – traffic loading, foundation design, pavement construction design, surfacing.Unit 7 Pavement Maintenance.Unit 8 Road Safety – road safety engineering, road safety audits, speed management.Unit 9 Intelligent Transport SystemsUnit 10 Transport Development Management – development planning, transport assessment, designing streets.