Core Module Information
Module title: Geomechanics Analysis and Modelling

SCQF level: 11:
SCQF credit value: 20.00
ECTS credit value: 10

Module code: CTR11527
Module leader: John McDougall
School School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
Subject area group: Built Environment

There are no pre-requisites for this module to be added

Description of module content:

You will learn about geotechnics from a viewpoint that emphasises the interdependence of soil volumetric and strength behaviour. Integration of the two aspects of soil behaviour is through study of some common geomechanical soil models and their application by commercial finite element software – Plaxis.

Learning Outcomes for module:

Upon completion of this module you will be able to

LO1: Understand the complex volumetric and strength behaviour exhibited by real soils.

LO2: Predict volumetric and strength changes for soils subjected to known changes in stress conditions.

LO3: Competently operate Plaxis, a commercial geomechanical software package.

LO4: Extend understanding of real soil behaviour by simulation and critical interpretation of complex geometric and material property scenarios using Plaxis.

LO5: Recognise the role of numerical modelling in geotechnical design and the need for a professional & ethical approach to geotechnical advice predicated on numerical interpretations.

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment
2024/5, Trimester 1, In Person,
Occurrence: 001
Primary mode of delivery: In Person
Location of delivery: MERCHISTON
Member of staff responsible for delivering module: John McDougall
Module Organiser:

Student Activity (Notional Equivalent Study Hours (NESH))
Mode of activityLearning & Teaching ActivityNESH (Study Hours)NESH Description
Online Guided independent study 158 Online support to student queries.
Face To Face Lecture 22 LTA is structured around lecture programme together/interleaved with hands on/practical computer time.
Face To Face Supervised time in studio/workshop 20 LTA is structured around lecture programme together/interleaved with hands on/practical computer time.
Total Study Hours200
Expected Total Study Hours for Module200

Type of Assessment Weighting % LOs covered Week due Length in Hours/Words Description
Report 50 1~2 Week 8 , WORDS= 12 hours This is a formative report assessing students' ability to synthesise field data and numerical modelling to gain insight and predictive capability of soil behaviour.
Report 50 3~4 Week 12 , WORDS= 12 hours This is a summative report assessing students' ability to synthesise field data and numerical modelling to gain insight into the stability of slopes.
Component 1 subtotal: 50
Component 2 subtotal: 50
Module subtotal: 100

Indicative References and Reading List - URL:
Contact your module leader