2024/5, Trimester 1, In Person,
Occurrence: | 001 |
Primary mode of delivery: | In Person |
Location of delivery: | MERCHISTON |
Partner: | |
Member of staff responsible for delivering module: | Matt Sinclair |
Module Organiser: | |
Student Activity (Notional Equivalent Study Hours (NESH)) |
Mode of activity | Learning & Teaching Activity | NESH (Study Hours) | NESH Description |
Face To Face | Lecture | 6 | A series of 6 lectures will focus on the application of practical core skills for applied design research. |
Face To Face | Practical classes and workshops | 12 | Following each lecture, practical workshop sessions will provide you with support to plan and implement your design research activity. |
Face To Face | Project Supervision | 10 | You will work under supervision and guidance of one or more tutors, with whom you will meet regularly to discuss, plan, evaluate and develop your project. This may take place in one-to-one meetings, or in supportive small group settings. |
Online | Guided independent study | 372 | Following guidance and direction received from supervisors, you will work independently to plan, develop and deliver your design research project and design concepts informed by the findings of your research. You will be provided with a studio space on campus in which to work alongside the supportive community of your peers, and the support of technical staff in our workshops. |
| Total Study Hours | 400 | |
| Expected Total Study Hours for Module | 400 | |
Assessment |
Type of Assessment | Weighting % | LOs covered | Week due | Length in Hours/Words | Description |
Portfolio | 100 | 1~2~3~4~5 | Week 15 | , WORDS= See description | In Design Major Project Part 1, you will: identify and contextualise a subject for investigation through design research; plan and conduct this research; analyse and reflect on findings; and utilise the knowledge you have gained through research to inform the direction and nature of proposed design concepts. You will submit a portfolio of work which represents this design research and practice process throughout all these stages, formatted and delivered appropriately according to the nature of your project. As a guide we expect there to be written or verbal context equivalent to around 6000 words (complying with appropriately rigorous academic standards), plus a substantial amount of supporting material generated through the design research and development process. This supporting material should be organised, structured and presented in order to effectively communicate the story of your project and proposed direction for future project development in Design Major Project Part 2. |
Component 1 subtotal: | 100 | | |
Component 2 subtotal: | 0 | | | | |
Module subtotal: | 100 | | | | |