Core Module Information
Module title: Learning, Teaching and Assessment Practice in Higher Education

SCQF level: 11:
SCQF credit value: 60.00
ECTS credit value: 30

Module code: EDU11160
Module leader: Cameron Graham
School Department of Learning, Teaching & Enhancement
Subject area group: Learning and Teaching Enhancement


Description of module content:

The module is organised around three thematic areas (i) learning and teaching, (ii) assessment and feedback and (iii) research and scholarship, each of which reflect in the role and responsibilities of academic staff working in a HE context. The thematic areas will be explored in their own right, however, discussions throughout the programme in different fora will connect them together to enrich your knowledge and understanding, impacting through into your practice.

Learning Outcomes for module:

The delivery of this module is intended to be spread over three trimesters. Upon its completion you will have met the learning outcomes identified for each of the thematic areas:-

Thematic Area (i) Learning and Teaching
LO 1: Critique and apply curriculum design principles and practices in line with institutional, national and international quality agendas
LO 2: Design, implement, evaluate and critically reflect upon own teaching and learning activities
LO 3: Participate as reviewer/ reviewee in peer review of learning and teaching practice and engage in developmental feedback

Thematic Area (ii) Assessment and Feedback
LO4: Critically examine the evidence underpinning assessment and feedback principles and their implications for academic practice and student support
LO5: Critically appraise current assessment and feedback practices in your identified area and make recommendations for enhancement
LO6: Critically explore systems and processes designed to support students with a specific focus on assessment and feedback and their roles in the facilitation of learning and development

Thematic Area (iii) Research and Scholarship
LO7: Identify a theoretical frame and apply to a proposal for pedagogic research or scholarship activity relevant to role
LO8: Critically apply research skills within a pedagogic context, maximising opportunities for research-teaching linkages
LO 9: Critically reflect on the development of the supervisory dimension of practice, appropriate to role

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment

Indicative References and Reading List - URL:
EDU11160 Learning, Teaching and Assessment Practice in Higher Education