The business simulation will help drawing together your learning from your degree programme, and will give you the opportunity to run a simulated business in management teams to develop new products and grow the organisation, including solving strategic and operational problems. Problem based learning techniques will explore:• Creativity, innovation, and enterprise to assess the feasibility and launch strategy of new business idea/ products/ services.• The dynamics of management teams and team-based problem solving within operation of firms and bringing new innovations to market. • Understanding the market cycle and how products/service portfolios need to be managed as new innovations are brought to market and older products decline. • Managing large volumes of data and distilling actionable data.• Business strategy and planning and the key functional challenges.The simulation is designed to allow students to apply theory in context in a high-pressured way. It takes students through all the key stages of bringing new innovations to market as well as the challenges of business development, planning, financing etc. The business simulation game bridges the gap between education and the workplace, and helps prepare to drive business success in a rapidly changing economic environment.