Core Module Information
Module title: Fish and Fisheries Biology

SCQF level: 10:
SCQF credit value: 20.00
ECTS credit value: 10

Module code: ENV10111
Module leader: James Thorburn
School School of Applied Sciences
Subject area group: Life Sciences

Requisites: ( Pre-requisite: [Module BMS09108] Research Methods AND Pre-requisite: Familiarity with quantitative techniques including ANOVA and regression. ) AND ( Pre-requisite: [Module ENV09102] Freshwater Biology OR Pre-requisite: ENV09104 Marine Biology )

Description of module content:

This module covers topical issues in the area of fish biology and fisheries in both marine and fresh waters. In this module you will learn about the biology and ecology of fish and their interactions with the environment at the individual and population level. You will gain a practical and applied understanding of methods to determine patterns of growth and survival and their use in determining population dynamics and management of fisheries. Based on case studies and practical experience, you will be introduced to the range of methods used in fisheries biology and how to evaluate fisheries management.

Learning Outcomes for module:

Upon completion of this module you will be able to

LO1: Analyse the effect of basic biology and life history characteristics on population dynamics and fisheries exploitation.

LO2: Apply and interpret a range of fisheries analysis methods.

LO3: Critically contrast key methods of monitoring and management of fish populations.

LO4: Analyse the effects of management practices on freshwater and marine fisheries.

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment
2024/5, Trimester 1, In Person,
Occurrence: 001
Primary mode of delivery: In Person
Location of delivery: SIGHTHILL
Member of staff responsible for delivering module: James Thorburn
Module Organiser:

Student Activity (Notional Equivalent Study Hours (NESH))
Mode of activityLearning & Teaching ActivityNESH (Study Hours)NESH Description
Online Guided independent study 164 Each week reading materials and resources will be issued on Moodle. You are expected to read and reflect on the essential reading material which can be discussed during the teaching sessions. Resources to help you to read and take productive study notes created by the University's Academic Skills team can be accessed on the module Moodle page.
Face To Face Lecture 18 Sessions will provide you with foundational knowledge of fish biology, freshwater and marine fisheries characteristics, and fisheries management techniques and issues as well as considering specific case studies relevant to the focus of the different assessment tasks. Teaching will be suspended for one week during the trimester owing to staff attending a field course.
Face To Face Tutorial 6 Tutorials will be used to explore specific aspects of the module content in more detail and you will also be provided with additional support focused on the assessment tasks.
Face To Face Fieldwork 6 You will undertake an electrofishing survey of fish populations on a local river to gain experience of using this standard technique.
Face To Face Practical classes and workshops 6 You will gain experience of a range of fisheries analysis techniques, through practical engagement with real datasets from a range of fisheries contexts, which build the skills necessary to undertake the assessment tasks.
Total Study Hours200
Expected Total Study Hours for Module200

Type of Assessment Weighting % LOs covered Week due Length in Hours/Words Description
Report 50 3~4 Exam Period , WORDS= 1500 words This second part of the module assessment is based on the analysis of fisheries-related data with more emphasis on interpreting the outputs to give management advice. There will be two tutorials, one covering the analysis and interpretation of fish telemetry data and one on the use of Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) to inform fisheries management.You are required to submit a report covering one of these tutorial topics.
Report 50 1~2 Week 8 , WORDS= 1500 words. The assessment for this module is split into two parts. The first part focuses on data analysis, being based on the collation, analysis, and interpretation of fisheries related data. There will be two tutorials covering the application of fish growth models and population estimation via different methods. You are required to submit a report covering one of these tutorial topics.
Component 1 subtotal: 100
Component 2 subtotal: 0
Module subtotal: 100

Indicative References and Reading List - URL:
ENV10111 Fish and Fisheries Biology