An engineering design project is a project type that applies engineering principles to create and develop a new product, system, or process. It typically unfolds in several stages: problem identification, conceptual design, detailed design, prototyping, testing and validation, and implementation.The problem identification stage is about recognizing a need or problem to be solved and setting the project's goals and objectives.The conceptual design stage involves brainstorming various solutions to the problem and assessing the feasibility and compromises of each.The detailed design stage includes producing comprehensive drawings, specifications, and instructions detailing how to construct, test, and operate the end product, system, or process.The prototyping stage is when a model or prototype is built to test and confirm it fulfills the project's goals and objectives.The testing and validation stage is dedicated to ensuring the prototype meets the design requirements and any applicable standards.The implementation stage is where the final product, system, or process is constructed and put into use.Engineering design projects span numerous fields, including mechanical, electrical, civil, and chemical engineering.Examples of such projects are the design of a novel wind turbine, the development of a new manufacturing process, or the design of an innovative bridge. These projects may also encompass research, development, and innovation, and be backed by various sponsors like companies, research institutions, and government bodies.In essence, an engineering design project is a multidisciplinary endeavor that applies engineering principles to conceive, develop, and execute a new product, system, or process to meet a particular need or challenge.During this module we will approach this process as a consultancy with your group(s) as the consultancy and the academics as client [and support] taking a chosen project through the stages to the point of potentially prototyping.