Core Module Information
Module title: Recognising And Responding To Altered Health In Mental Health Nursing

SCQF level: 08:
SCQF credit value: 20.00
ECTS credit value: 10

Module code: MHN08117
Module leader: Ross Fagan
School School of Health & Social Care
Subject area group: Nursing


Description of module content:

You will explore the complexities of working with people who have multi-morbidities and the impact this can have on service users, families and carers (LO1 – LO5).

You will explore and understand the role of the mental health nurse in the provision of holistic person centred care with consideration made to changing health profiles across the life span including palliative and end of life care (L01-LO5).

You will have the opportunity to discuss effective communication skills in relation to informed decision making and transitions in care and care delivery to support people and their carers who have multi-morbidities (LO 4).

You will develop an understanding of a range of approaches to health care provision including health promotion, health interventions and treatment across a range of services and settings(LO3 and LO5).

Learning Outcomes for module:

1) Explore the impact that an alteration in physical, mental, behavioural and cognitive health and well-being can have on mental health across the lifespan.

2) Utilise the research and evidence-base to explore complex health and wellbeing needs.

3) Examine the local, national and international guidelines that inform healthcare provision for people with complex health and wellbeing needs.

4) Develop knowledge and understanding of techniques that promote communication with people who have complex health and wellbeing needs.

5) Consider the benefits of working co productively with people who have altered health status and their families/carers within health and social care settings.

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment