In this module you will gain an understanding of the importance of providing evidence based and physiologically appropriate care and management to the mother, baby and family unit. You will learn how to integrate partnership working into midwifery practice.The module content is divided into five key areas and you will be encouraged and supported to consider the following:Newborn:You will explore the physiology, assessment and care of the newborn, newborn examinations, blood spot screening test and newborn hearing test Infant and maternal nutrition:You will consider the anatomy and physiology of the immune system and immunityConstituents of colostrum and breastmilk encouraging the application of theory to practice – Responsive feeding (Baby Friendly Initiative) and recognition of effective breastfeedingOverview of infant brain development and importance of love and nurture to ensure optimal outcomes. Mother:The importance of informed consent will be highlighted throughout the module. You will consider maternal physical and mental health and well-being before and after birth, cervical pathology, common minor disorders of the puerperium, pre/post-operative care following caesarean section, working as per The Code and an introduction to first aid. You will discuss the importance of sharing information with women which is clear and accurate. The rights of women will be explored and respected with care offered in a warm, sensitive and compassionate manner. Medicine management will be outlined and you will gain an appreciation of the role of the midwife in supporting women to make safe and informed choices regarding medicines throughout pregnancy and beyond.Family:Environmental – Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) you will recognise factors which may influence the well-being of the mother; newborn and family, teaching and learning a skill, emotional transition to parenting, family planning, parent and child interaction. Professional: You will explore the importance of reflection and reflective models.Introduction to evidence based practice and professional roles within the multidisciplinary team.Guidance with regards to documentation/ record keeping as per The Code. Infection Control and continued support for completion of the Cleanliness Champions package.