2024/5, Trimester 2, Blended,
Occurrence: | 002 |
Primary mode of delivery: | Blended |
Location of delivery: | SIGHTHILL |
Partner: | |
Member of staff responsible for delivering module: | Connie McLuckie |
Module Organiser: | |
Student Activity (Notional Equivalent Study Hours (NESH)) |
Mode of activity | Learning & Teaching Activity | NESH (Study Hours) | NESH Description |
Independent Learning | Seminar | 2 | No Description |
Independent Learning | Tutorial | 10 | No Description |
Independent Learning | Lecture | 2 | No Description |
Other | PLACEMENT | 176 | No Description |
Face To Face | Practical classes and workshops | 10 | No Description |
| Total Study Hours | 200 | |
| Expected Total Study Hours for Module | 200 | |
Assessment |
Type of Assessment | Weighting % | LOs covered | Week due | Length in Hours/Words | Description |
Learning Log | 0 | 1~2~3~4~5 | Not Yet Determi | | The summative assessment comprises of achievement of proficiencies. All clinical proficiencies identified in the electronic Midwifery Practice Assessment Document (MPAD) mustbe achieved (LOs 1-5). This component of assessment is graded on a pass or fail basis. You must pass this component of assessment in order to achieve an overall pass for this module and progress to the next stage of study. |
Essay | 100 | 1~2~3~4 | Not Yet Determi | , WORDS= 1000 words | A 1000-word critical reflection on practice will be submitted before the end of Part 1. The mark you achieve for this component of assessment will form your overall module grade. However, you must pass both components of assessment in order to achieve an overall pass for this module. |
Component 1 subtotal: | 0 | | |
Component 2 subtotal: | 100 | | | | |
Module subtotal: | 100 | | | | |