Core Module Information
Module title: Epilepsy Work Based Learning

SCQF level: 11:
SCQF credit value: 40.00
ECTS credit value: 20

Module code: NUR11127
Module leader: Sam Abdulla
School School of Health & Social Care
Subject area group: Nursing

There are no pre-requisites for this module to be added

Description of module content:

Work Based Learning promotes personal and professional reflection and enables you to enhance critical thinking and practice application of new and developing skills and knowledge. Recognising your own knowledge and awareness of your existing knowledge and areas for development. This module adopts a student-centred approach acknowledging your unique learning needs and styles as an adult learner. The content and delivery is based on your own personal and professional motivation.You will build upon the learning within Exploring Evidence for Clinical Management of the Epilepsies, and through reflection on your own clinical practice experience. Quality Improvement methodology will be explored and used to identify areas for outcome improvement within epilepsy care provision.You will be asked to build and collate a portfolio of evidence over the duration of the module, which will support you to incrementally build upon existing skills, knowledge and competence. Self-assessment of competencies in epilepsy care management will be used to measure development. Evaluation, exploration and application of reflective frameworks and models will help you to pause and reflect at key points during the module, then subsequently provide a written critical reflection, on your own development and action plan for continued professional development.

Learning Outcomes for module:

Upon completion of this module you will be able to

LO1: Critically review literature pertinent to the management and care of people with epilepsy relevant to your own clinical practice.

LO2: Synthesize evidence from the literature and current clinical practice to identify and rationalise an area of practice development

LO3: Propose and plan an epilepsy focused service improvement underpinned by Quality Improvement methodology, reflective of person centred, multidisciplinary care

LO4: Critically reflect on your professional development and the impact of this on your clinical practice in relation to the management of epilepsies .

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment