Core Module Information
Module title: Anatomy and physiology for football

SCQF level: 07:
SCQF credit value: 20.00
ECTS credit value: 10

Module code: SES07116
Module leader: Brendon Ferrier
School School of Applied Sciences
Subject area group: Sport Exercise and Health Science

There are no pre-requisites for this module to be added

Description of module content:

This module aims to introduce you to applied anatomy and physiology and enhance your knowledge and understanding of how the complex systems within the human body apply to football performance. Specifically, you will learn the key anatomical functions in a range of football activities. Additionally, the structure and function of the main physiological systems and their interaction will be covered in lectures, tutorials and practicals. You will also be introduced to the different testing methods to collect, interpret and academically present acute physiological responses during football specific activities.

Learning Outcomes for module:

Upon completion of this module you will be able to

LO1: Define the key anatomical functions involved in a range of football activities.

LO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of the main physiological systems (musculoskeletal, respiratory and cardiovascular) and their interaction in the human body in relation to football performance.

LO3: Acquire an understanding of the nervous and endocrine systems and their influence on body functions.

LO4: Describe the body’s acute physiological responses during a football specific activity.

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment

Indicative References and Reading List - URL:
SES07116 Anatomy and Physiology for Football