Core Module Information
Module title: Work-based Dissertation

SCQF level: 11:
SCQF credit value: 80.00
ECTS credit value: 40

Module code: SOC11112
Module leader: Yanchao Yu
School School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
Subject area group: Computer Science

Requisites: Pre-requisite: Students who will take this module must fully receive 120 credits from the year-1 study

Description of module content:

Identifying projects The material will be available on the Moodle dissertation module page setting out the requirements and expectations:1. Employers: information on hiring a Masters's student to work on a dissertation project with a link to the MyFuture employment opportunity site. (University will arrange a career fair for Msc students who plan to join the module before the particular trimester)2. Students: information on undertaking a WBL project and being proactive in undertaking initial research at the application stage, with links to the Moodle resources and the MyFuture site. Matching Projects to Students A formal interview process is being established to match students and projects/employers though the ML must ensure the project and organisation are suitable for a Master-level dissertation.Project SupervisionWe would recommend the following responsibilities for the student and supervisor: 1. The student must contact their academic supervisor once per week. This typically takes the form of online or in-person meetings. 2. The student should briefly summarise what has been achieved that week and indicate if they are feeling OK with the project as a whole. 3. The supervisor must acknowledge receipt of the student's progress and support the student with dissertation writing.

Learning Outcomes for module:

Upon completion of this module you will be able to

LO1: Conduct a work programme over an extended period, including the associated planning, target-setting, record-keeping and reporting.

LO2: Evaluate team-working, decision-making, time management and communication skills in the workplace.

LO3: Critically appraise, reflect and report on personal, professional and technical achievements.

LO4: Conduct a literature search using an appropriate range of information sources and produce a critical review of the findings.

LO5: Demonstrate professional competence by sound project management and (a) by applying appropriate theoretical and practical computing concepts and techniques to a non-trivial problem, or (b) by undertaking an approved project of equivalent standard.

LO6: Show a capacity for self-appraisal by analysing the strengths and weakness of the project outcomes with reference to the initial objectives, and to the work of others.

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment

Indicative References and Reading List - URL:
Contact your module leader