Core Module Information
Module title: Applied Social Research Methods

SCQF level: 07:
SCQF credit value: 20.00
ECTS credit value: 10

Module code: SSC07500
Module leader: Katrina Morrison
School School of Applied Sciences
Subject area group: Social Science

Students will be recruited following an oral interview assessing RPL in line with the Quality Framework Section 7(18), and RPL processes already in existence in other parts of the University.

Description of module content:

You will will learn the principles and methods of social research methods in this course. There will be a strong focus on application, achieved primarily through the requirement to carry out a small-scale research project. The final summative assessment will be based around your reflections on your own research project through an oral presentation to their peers. The topics learned in this module include: research design, research ethics, the key methods of primary and secondary data collection and analysis, and evaluating and presenting findings.

Learning Outcomes for module:

LO1: Understand and explain the issues and complexities of ethical social research and the ethical responsibilities of the researcher.

LO2: Reflect on how to design, manage, and execute, a research proposal.

LO3: Communicate ideas through a verbal presentation supported by IT.

Full Details of Teaching and Assessment

Indicative References and Reading List - URL:
Contact your module leader