Lectures 1 – 4 explore the basic conceptual, legal and ethical backgrounds of diversity and inclusion, and provide a theoretical base upon which the following lectures build. Lectures 5 - 9 centre on marginalised employee groups in turn, focusing on the unique challenges and issues they face in the workplace, and the role of the HR function and the organisation in promoting their inclusion. Lectures 10 & 11 focus on higher-level concepts such as intersectionality and resistance to diversity. L1: Introducing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the WorkplaceThis lecture introduces the module, discusses the different historic and current approaches to managing diversity in the workplace, and explores practices and policies such as affirmative action, diversity management, positive discrimination, and equal opportunities. Concepts explored include employee networks, and unions. Case studies include positive discrimination in the police force.L2: Equality, Diversity & the LawThis lecture explores the legal and legislative context surrounding equality, diversity and inclusion in society and in the workplace, exploring legislation such as the Equality Act 2010.L3: Moral & Ethical Dimensions of Equality, Diversity & InclusionThis lecture discusses the prevalent ethical and moral positions with regard to equality, diversity and inclusion. Topics include utilitarianism, virtue ethics, deontology, Kantianism, postmodern ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Concepts explored include privilege, meritocracy, and power. L4: Diversity and DiscriminationThis lecture discusses different forms of discrimination (e.g. formal, informal, covert, overt, harassment, victimisation) and different manifestations of discrimination in workplaces (e.g. hiring discrimination, promotion discrimination, negative work cultures), and differences between visible/invisible stigmatising identities. L5: Female employees, Pregnancy & MaternityThis lecture discusses the inclusion of female employees, common challenges they face, patriarchy and sexism, and pregnancy and maternity. Concepts explored include the glass ceiling, the stick floor, ‘leaning in?, and Queen Bee syndrome. Case studies include Google, Walmart, and the engineering industry.L6: Sexual minority employees This lecture explores the workplace challenges and issues that sexual minority employees (e.g. lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, pansexual, asexual),. Concepts explored include strategies of coming out/not coming out, rainbow capitalism and heteronormativity. Case studies include Starbucks and Chick-fil-a.L7: Trans employeesThis lecture explores issues and challenges explored by those employees whose identity falls under the trans ‘umbrella?, including transgender, genderqueer, agender). Concepts include transphobia, social and physical transitioning, gain/loss of capital, deadnaming, ‘bathroom bills? and trans-exclusionary feminism. Case studies include O?Donnell vs. The Times; Primark. L8: Ethnic Minority & Religious Minority EmployeesThis lecture discusses both the experiences of BAME (black and minority ethnicity) employees and of religious minority employees, and explores race and racism in the workplace. Concepts explored include hair-discrimination, name-based hiring discrimination, colour-blindness. Case studies include Chastity Jones vs. Crisis Management Solutions, Black Lives Matter.L9: Disability & AgeThis lecture looks at the role of age and ageism in the workplace, and also explores the experiences of employees who have disabilities and/or are neuro-divergent. Discrimination against older, younger and disabled employees is explored. Concepts explored include workplace adjustments, concealable stigmas. Case studies include Silicon Valley companies.L10: Intersectional and Non-Legislated IdentitiesThis lecture will provide a critical exploration of the concept of intersectionality and the intersection of differing minority identities (e.g. ethnic minority women), and also discusses other diverse groups that are often not included in equality legislation, e.g. employees with caring responsibilities, working class employees, and former offenders. L11: Managing Resistance to Diversity This lecture continues the discussion on managing diversity, but includes and is framed by backlash or resistance to diversity and inclusion initiatives. Concepts and case studies explored include employee backlash, stakeholder analysis, ‘AllLivesMatter and BlueLivesMatter?, ‘Straight Pride? and ‘white fragility?.L12: Revision Lecture