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Edinburgh Napier University
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SCQF 07:
Consumer Behaviour
Essentials of Marketing
Marketing Fundamentals
SCQF 08:
Digital Services Marketing
Experiential Services Marketing
Market Research in Practice
Marketing Communication Tools
Marketing Research and Communications
Marketing Research and Communications (2) (Hong Kong)
Marketing Research and Communications (2) (Online)
Social Media Marketing
SCQF 09:
Brand Management
Brand Management (Hong Kong)
Contemporary Selling Process
Digital Marketing in an AI World
Direct & Digital Marketing
Direct & Digital Marketing
Direct and Digital Marketing (Hong Kong)
International Marketing
International Marketing
International Marketing
Marketing and Society
Retail Marketing
Social Marketing
Social Marketing (HK)
SCQF 10:
Applied Marketing Simulation
Digital Content Marketing in an AI World
Digital Marketing Analytics
Digital Marketing Analytics (Hong Kong)
Dissertation (BAMM) Hong Kong
Marketing Ethics and Sustainability
Marketing Management in Practice
Marketing Management in Practice (Hong Kong)
SCQF 11:
Building and Marketing High Performing Organisations
Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Insights
Consumer Insights (Hong Kong)
Digital Analytics Strategy
Digital Analytics Strategy (Hong Kong)
Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital Marketing Strategy (CPD)
Dissertation (Hong Kong)
Global Marketing
Global Marketing
Global Marketing
Global Marketing (Hong Kong)
Global Marketing (PSB)
Marketing Communications
Marketing Communications (Hong Kong)
Marketing Strategy for Business Leaders
Principles and Practice of Marketing
Principles and Practice of Marketing (Hong Kong)
Social Media and Content Marketing
Social Media and Content Marketing (CPD)
Strategic Brand Management
Strategic Brand Management
Strategic Brand Management
Strategic Brand Management (Hong Kong)
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