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Introduction to the Science of Learning
SCQF 07:
Anatomy and physiology for football
Anatomy and Physiology for Sport and Exercise [Singapore]
Anatomy and Physiology for Sport and Exercise Science
Application of Science to Sport and Exercise
Applied Social Research Methods
Cell Biology: Structure and Function
Coach Education 1
Coaching Children
Comparative Anatomy and Physiology
Contemporary British History
Exercise Training for Sports Performance
Football in the Digital Age
Foundations in Science
Foundations of Sport and Exercise Science
Fundamentals of Sport Science and Football Coaching
Individual Differences 1
Introduction to Criminology
Introduction to Policing: Theory and Practice
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to research methods in football
Introduction to research methods in football
Introduction to Sociology 1
Introductory Microbiology
Life on Earth
Psychology in Football
Psychology in Football
Researching Psychology 1
Scientific Enquiry
Scientific Enquiry [Sri Lanka]
Skill Acquisition: Motor Learning & Control
Social Psychology 1
Sport, Exercise and Wellbeing
The Athlete in Sport
The dual career athlete
Understanding Social Change
Understanding Social Science Research
Volunteering and Employability in Sport
SCQF 08:
Achieving Sustainability: a better world is possible
Animal Behaviour
Applied football physiology
Applied Microbiology
Biochemistry (Sri Lanka)
Biological Foundations of Behaviour
Capitalism in Crisis:Protest, Resistance and Change
Clinical Care of Exotic Species
Coach Education 2
Cognitive Psychology 1
Criminological Theory
Current Issues in Sporting Performance
Ecology and Sustainability
Genes & Inheritance Sri Lanka
Genes and Inheritance
Genes and Inheritance [Hong Kong]
Interpreting Scottish History
Introduction to Biomechanics
Introduction to Biomechanics [Singapore]
Introduction to Educational Psychology
Introduction to Exercise Physiology
Introduction to Exercise Physiology (Singapore)
Introduction to Performance Analysis of Football
Introduction to Sport & Business Psychology [online]
Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology
Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology (Singapore)
Introduction to Sport Psychology (Singapore)
Introduction to the Criminal Justice System in the UK
Leadership and management in football
Microbes and Man [Sri Lanka]
Microbiology (Sri Lanka)
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Pharmaceutics: Small Molecules
Physiology, adaptation and disease
Player Welfare
Policing in Contemporary Society
Politics in British Society
Practical Skills in Biodiversity and Ecology
Principles of Coaching
Principles of Coaching (Singapore)
Professional development and experiential learning
Professional Practice 1
Psychology of Child Development
Quantitative Research
Researching Psychology 2
Society, Space and Place
Sociological Theory
Sport and Health Nutrition
Sport and Health Nutrition [Singapore]
The Research Process in Sport and Exercise (Singapore)
Veterinary Nursing Practice 2
Volunteering and Employability
Wildlife Care and Conflict
Youth, Crime and Deviance
SCQF 09:
Applied Environmental Microbiology
Applied Environmental Microbiology (Sri Lanka)
Assessment and Conditioning for Performance
Assessment and Conditioning for Performance (Singapore)
Brain and Cognition
Clinical Biochemistry (Hong Kong)
Clinical Nutrition and Pharmacology
Coaching Education 3
Conservation Biology
Crime, Control and Policing
Developing Athletes
Ecological Field Studies
Environment, Politics and Society
Environment, Politics and Society (Hong Kong)
Exercise Behaviour
Exercise Behaviour (Singapore)
Food Microbiology & Biotechnology
Food Microbiology & Biotechnology (Hong Kong)
Food Microbiology and Biotechnology (Sri Lanka)
Forensic Psychology 1
Freshwater Biology
Growth, Maturation and Exercise
Habitat Assessment and GIS
Health and Clinical Psychology
History of Crime, Correction & Reform
Immunology (Sri Lanka)
Immunology [Hong Kong]
Individual Differences (HKBU)
Individual Differences 2
Individual Differences 2 (Singapore)
Infection & Immunity
Infection & Immunity (Sri Lanka)
Infection and Immunity [Hong Kong]
Intermediate Biomechanics
Intermediate Biomechanics (Singapore)
Intermediate Exercise Physiology
Intermediate Exercise Physiology (Singapore)
Intermediate Sport Psychology
Intermediate Sport Psychology (Singapore)
Leadership and Funding in Sport (online)
Leading and Managing in Sport
Marine Biology
Medical Microbiology (Sri Lanka)
Molecular Biology of the cell
Molecular Genetics (Sri Lanka)
Molecular Medicine
Molecular Medicine (Sri Lanka)
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Overseas Study
Performance Analysis in Football
Performance Psychology
Performance Psychology
Pharmaceutics: macromolecules
Pharmacology and Pathobiology
Pharmacology and Pathobiology [Hong Kong]
Physiology for the developing athlete
Practical Coaching & Development
Psychology of Lifespan Development
Public Health and Criminal Justice
Public Health and Criminal Justice
Race and Decolonial Social Theory
Research Methods
Research Methods (Hong Kong)
Research Methods (Sri Lanka)
Research Methods in Football Coaching
Researching Psychology 3
Researching the Social Sciences
Researching the Social Sciences (Hong Kong)
Safeguarding and Working with Vulnerable Populations in a Sport and Exercise Environment
Scientific Communication and Data Handling
Scientific Review and Statistics
Scientific Review and Statistics (PSB - Singapore)
Sexuality and Gender
Social and Cultural Landscapes
Social and Cultural Landscapes (Hong Kong)
Social Psychology 2
Social Psychology 2 [Hong Kong]
Sociology of Work and Organisation
Stress, Performance and Behaviour
Supporting the supply of veterinary medicines (Suitably Qualified Persons)
Terrestrial Field Ecology
Understanding Cybercrime
Violence and Society
Violence and Society (Hong Kong)
Work Based in Elite Sport
Work Based Learning in Elite Sport
Work Psychology
Work Psychology (Hong Kong)
Work Psychology [HKBU]
Work Psychology [Singapore]
Work-based learning for Elite Sport [online]
SCQF 10:
Advanced Exercise Physiology
Advanced Performance Analysis
Advances in Animal Behaviour
Analysis of Sports Performance
Analytical methods in drug development
Applications of Molecular Biology (Sri Lanka)
Applied Toxicology (Hong Kong)
Biotechnology – Industry & Environment (Sri Lanka)
Cellular and Molecular Immunology (Sri Lanka)
Comparative & International Criminology
Current Topics in Ecology
Current Topics in Psychology
Fish and Fisheries Biology
Forensic Psychology 2
Honours project
Honours Project
Honours Project (Hong Kong)
Honours Project in Psychology
Honours project proposal and personal development
Independent Study
Microbial Biotechnology
Microbial Biotechnology [Hong Kong]
Microbial Biotechnology [Sri Lanka]
Molecular Medicine
Organisational Psychology
Organisational Psychology (Hong Kong)
Performance Development and Expertise
Performance Development and Expertise [online]
Physical Activity & Behavioural Change Project
Physical Activity & Health Work Placement
Physical Activity and Exercise Prescription in Health and Disease
Preparation for Honours Project
Preparation for the Honours Project (Hong Kong)
Professional Development Project
Professional Practice
Professional Practice (Sri Lanka)
Professional Practice 2
Research Methods in Biomedicine
Research Project [60 Credits]
Research/Work-Based Project [Hong Kong]
Research/Work-Related Project (Sri Lanka)
School Experience
School Experience 1
School Experience 1 (P/T)
School Experience 2
School Experience 2 (P/T)
Science, Technology and Society
Science, Technology and Society [Hong Kong]
Scientific Analysis of Human Movement
Scientific Research Project
Social Identities
Social Identities (Hong Kong)
Sociology of Media and Culture
Sport Science in Football
Surveillance & Society
The Psychology of Creativity
The Social Psychology of Immigration
Trends in Biomedical Sciences
Veterinary Nursing Honours Project [60 Credits]
Victimisation and Victimology
Work Based Learning in Football
SCQF 11:
Advanced Career Counselling, Coaching and Development
Advanced Forensic Psychology
Advanced Immunology
Advanced Research in Psychological Practice
Advanced Research Skills
Advice and Consultancy
Applied Medical Microbiology [Hong Kong]
Applied Research Design
Assessments and Treatments
Behaviour Change & Communication
Biodiversity and Conservation
Biology of Disease and Therapeutics
Biomedical Applications of Molecular Biology [Hong Kong]
Biotechnology and Drug Discovery
Business and Bioethics
Business of Research
Cardiometabolic conditions and exercise
Career Counselling and Coaching
Career Counselling, Coaching and Development
Career Development Theory
Career Development Theory
Career Learning and Development
Case Studies in Applied Ecology
Cell Technology
Clinical Assessment of CEP Competencies
Clinical Exercise Physiology Work Based Learning (FULL TIME)
Clinical Exercise Physiology Work Based Learning (PART TIME)
Clinical Skills I
Clinical Skills II
Communication & Game Management
Concepts for Career Choice and Development
Contemporary Career Counselling and Coaching
Contemporary Guidance Practice
Contemporary Issues in Sport and Exercise Science
Contexts of Learning
Crime, Justice and Public Health
Criminal Justice in Practice
Criminal Justice in Practice (MBA)
Current Practice in Drug Development
Current Research in Pharmaceutical Science
Current Topics in Crime
Digital and Information Services
Dissertation [40 Credits - 3 Trimesters]
Dissertation [40 Credits]
Dissertation Project
Drug Design and Chemotherapy
Education and Labour Markets
Education and Training
Educational and Vocational Guidance
Employment Studies
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Evaluation and Impact
Evidence and Investigation
Exercise Interventions: Design, Delivery and Implementation
Exercise Physiology
Exercise, wellbeing and psychological health
Field Methods in Wildlife Biology and Conservation (distance learning)
Field Methods in Wildlife Biology and Conservation (on-campus)
Group Learning and Coaching
Haematology and Transfusion Science [Hong Kong]
High Pressure Decision Making
Humans and Wildlife
Immunotechnology [Hong Kong]
Independent Study (20 credits)
Independent Study (40 Credits)
International and Comparative Criminology
International and Comparative Criminology (MBA)
Leadership and Organisational Management for Sports Officials
Learning & Teaching 1
Learning & Teaching 2
Management of Aquatic Protected Areas
Mastering Qualitative Research
Molecular Pathogenesis of Microbial Infection
Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology
Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics
Physical Activity and Cancer Survivorship
Physical Activity for Neurological Conditions
Physiological Factors Affecting Sporting Performance
Policy and Contexts
Policy and contexts for practice
Practical Forensic Psychology
Principles of Wildlife Management
Professional Contexts for Career Development
Professional Enquiry
Professional Placement
Professional Practice
Professional practice in sport & clinical exercise science
Professional Work Based Learning
Professionalism and Standards
Psychological Interventions for Sport Performance Enhancement
Quality Control & Pharmaceutical Analysis
Research Methods in Sport and Exercise Science
Research Project
Research Project
Research Project
Research Project (p/t)
Research Project [60 credit]
Research Project [Hong Kong]
Research Skills
Scientific Methods
Scientific Skills [Hong Kong]
Scientific Support in Sport
Social Policy and Landscapes of Contemporary Issues
Species Identification Skills (distance learning)
Species Identification Skills (on-campus)
Toxicology and Pathology [Hong Kong]
Understanding and Executing Quantitative Research
Understanding and Responding to Crime
Work Based Learning
Work Based Learning for Sports Officials
Work Placement
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Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation Scheme (ECTS)